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Księga gości należy do serwisu: Piłka Nożna
Założona: 29.04.2007, odwiedzona 72564 razy.
Zawiera 2 wpisy, w tym 2 aktywne.

Księga Gości
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wpis nr: 2
z dnia: 07.02.2021
imię: Milanspaps
Handful things are truly universal. But while people across the fabulous communicate in contrastive languages, eat contrastive foods and straight be sorry for varied emotions, millions across the the public wait for porn. Without considering being so widely consumed, porn is maligned as the source of friendship’s ills. It’s methodical been labelled a collective fitness risk by means of politicians in Utah. Porn has transformed closed the past few decades, rightful to the availability of the internet and faster snare connections. It is also becoming more immersive than a day before. Parody virtual reality. Earlier this year, researchers from Newcastle University in the UK pointed at liberty that VR changes the experience of porn from removed non-participant to protagonist. They warned that this has the the right stuff to blur the route between actuality and pipedream, peradventure damaging relationships and encouraging dangerous behaviour. But what does the evidence actual
wpis nr: 1
z dnia: 25.11.2020
imię: XD
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