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Księga gości należy do serwisu: hodowla kotów syberyjskich "Z Maylandu*PL"
Założona: 21.02.2007, odwiedzona 77930 razy.
Zawiera 103 wpisy, w tym 103 aktywne.

"z Syberyjskiej Tajgi"
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wpis nr: 103
z dnia: 31.01.2025
imię: Jay Suarez
We love our special boy Bowie, (Jumbo II). He's so spoiled. (In a good way). If he sees no one is near, he walks through the house, calling and meow for someone to come and find him quickly. He will then purr and remind you to always stay close. He likes to snuggle with warm cuddles, but he also loves to play. He plays by himself, with our Bengal cat, our King Charles dog, and our 160 pounds Great Dane dog. He is very smart and learns very quickly. He is such a beautiful cat inside and out. This cattery is owned by the best people and has the best kittens.
wpis nr: 102
z dnia: 31.01.2025
imię: Jack pickerill
We have had our new kitten Ivo for 6 days now, he came out of his carrier straight away after his 3 day car journey to England and he has been nothing but a joy since he got here. He has been raised so well and used his litter box and scratch posts immediately with no accidents! He is a very confident and affectionate kitten who loves to play and we are so grateful to you Artur and would highly recommend him to anyone
wpis nr: 101
z dnia: 28.01.2025
imię: Bertilla
Un ringraziamento di cuore ad Artur che per la seconda volta ci ha permesso di allargare la nostra famiglia con una nuova e splendida cucciola:Inessa! bellissima,dolce,affettuosa e instancabile distributrice di coccole e fusa!!!?thank you very much Artur
wpis nr: 100
z dnia: 12.01.2025
imię: Ilja
we have had Iain since December 27th. From the moment he arrived he started purring. he has never been afraid. He is a wonderful kitten and we are completely in love with him. our other cats like to play with him. he is very social and likes to lie on your lap.
wpis nr: 99
z dnia: 08.01.2025
imię: Emilia
W grudniu 2024 r. odeszła za Tęczowy Most moja ukochana Pusia - kotka syberyjska. Nie mogłam znaleźć sobie miejsca..., czułam ogromny smutek. Pusia była ruda, postanowiłam więc, że jeśli mam mieć znów kocią przyjaciółkę, to musi być ruda (bo rude jest piękne, bo rude przypomina mi najpiękniejsze chwile z Pusią). I tak trafiłam na tę nieoczywistą, rewelacyjną hodowlę kotów syberyjskich Państwa Maj "z Maylandu", gdzie koty (ale i inne zwierzęta współtworzące tę wspaniałą wspólnotę człowieka z braćmi mniejszymi) są traktowane jak członkowie rodziny, asymilowane, kochane, nauczone nie tylko czystości, ale i dotyku, towarzystwa, akceptacji. Od kilku tygodni mieszkam z piękną maleńką Ines, rudą i bardzo żywiołową pięknością, ciekawą świata i wpatrzoną w człowieka (tym człowiekiem mam prawdziwy zaszczyt być sama) jak w obrazek. Jest odważna, czyściutka, wesoła, kochająca całym kocim serduszkiem. Nie zna złego oblicza ludzi, n
wpis nr: 98
z dnia: 08.01.2025
imię: Emilia
W grudniu 2024 r. odeszła za Tęczowy Most moja ukochana Pusia - kotka syberyjska. Nie mogłam znaleźć sobie miejsca..., czułam ogromny smutek. Pusia była ruda, postanowiłam więc, że jeśli mam mieć znów kocią przyjaciółkę, to musi być ruda (bo rude jest piękne, bo rude przypomina mi najpiękniejsze chwile z Pusią). I tak trafiłam na tę nieoczywistą, rewelacyjną hodowlę kotów syberyjskich Państwa Maj "z Maylandu", gdzie koty (ale i inne zwierzęta współtworzące tę wspaniałą wspólnotę człowieka z braćmi mniejszymi) są traktowane jak członkowie rodziny, asymilowane, kochane, nauczone nie tylko czystości, ale i dotyku, towarzystwa, akceptacji. Od kilku tygodni mieszkam z piękną maleńką Ines, rudą i bardzo żywiołową pięknością, ciekawą świata i wpatrzoną w człowieka (tym człowiekiem mam prawdziwy zaszczyt być sama) jak w obrazek. Jest odważna, czyściutka, wesoła, kochająca całym kocim serduszkiem. Nie zna złego oblicza ludzi, n
wpis nr: 97
z dnia: 19.08.2024
imię: Goldie is our best friend
When we received Goldie, she had been traveling by car for about 2 days. We thought she was going to be scared upon arrival, but she was purring from day one. I call her our furry angel sent to us to give us love and happiness. Her fur is so soft, and she loves our kids. She also loves to go for walks in leash with our dog. She is purring loudly and loves to sleep in our child’s bed. She also loves food above everything else and thinks we are way too slow in the kitchen! :)
wpis nr: 96
z dnia: 12.08.2024
imię: Anna
In my house is Giorgio (now Caesar) since 2 months. Why Caesar? Because he wins everyone's hearts and takes no prisoners ;) He is so lovely,when I come home, he is waiting for me at the door. He misses me very much. He was lovely since first day at my home. He loves spending time with me (he must be in the same room as me). Even when I take a shower, he is waiting for me. He loves to play - his fav is "whisk" for cats. He likes testing food with me, especially chicken, salmon and ice cream ;) He is very sociable and will not miss any opportunity to play. He is unique, lovable, funny, gentle, beautiful, sweet and purring all the time. He loves purring and I love when he is doing this :) He grows very quickly but he will be my baby forever :) I am so happy he is with my. After losing my lovely 22-years-old kitty, I was a little afraid whether I would be able to love another cat, but it's impossible not to love Caesar! Thank you for my new best friend! I am very grateful he is with my <3
wpis nr: 95
z dnia: 09.08.2024
imię: Jan Anthony
I have had 2 Siberian cats for 12 years, but sadly lost my beloved red Siberian 8 months ago. It left a huge hole in my life and in my heart. I knew I wanted another red Siberian, and I came to the right place! Harrison has made me laugh again. He is sweet and beautiful and full of kitten energy and curiosity. He climbed into my lap and fell asleep the day after he arrived. He is very trusting and it is clear that he was raised in a wonderful home. Artur was very helpful and communicative throughout the process of getting him here. He is the first cat I have brought to the USA from another country and I was a little concerned about how it would go, but all went well. Many thanks!
wpis nr: 94
z dnia: 29.07.2024
imię: Bertilla
Holly arrived at our home in Italy a fee days ago, given the long journey we thought She would be scared when she arrived but instead it was a surprise to see her so frendly and at easy with her new house. She is even more beautiful in person than in the photos. Artur we thank you so much for giving us this very sweet and lively kitten.
wpis nr: 93
z dnia: 28.07.2024
imię: Kitten number 2 is wonderful!
Artur, all we can say is that I didn’t believe I could love another red cat as much as we love our wonderful boy, Frodo, that we got from you last year. A week ago though, we got our new kitten, Harriet from you and she is simply marvelous! I do t know how you do it, but your cats are not just beautiful, they are so sweet and loving as well. We are thrilled to have her and to know you!
wpis nr: 92
z dnia: 16.09.2023
imię: Dorota
Our kitty, pretty Eva joined our family just two months ago! She brought so much energy and fun to our household! She is living fire with love for fun and run! She is so social - she is everywhere and moved our lazy Siberian Neva boy! Both got along immediately together with my Shnauzer and two boys! Oh what a mix is that! We are utterly in love with her and can’t imagine living without “little sister”. Dorota from San Francisco Bay, California
wpis nr: 91
z dnia: 25.08.2023
imię: Sara White
Easy is a big, beautiful red marble boy that is super affectionate. I'm so happy with him!
wpis nr: 90
z dnia: 10.08.2023
imię: Melissa
Just took our kitten to the Veterinarian and he was so delightful! The Vet had to give him something to smell so he would stop purring and his heart be heard! We have several cats but this little one from your cattery has so much personality. Everyone loves him!
wpis nr: 89
z dnia: 08.08.2023
imię: Melissa Allphin
We are so thrilled with our new kitten, Frodo! He is the most confident little man cat and is funny and super playful and loving. Thank you for such a wonderful kitten to add to our cattery. He is perfect in both looks and disposition!
wpis nr: 88
z dnia: 16.04.2023
imię: Louise
We are very happy that Dona moved into our family. Thanks to Artur that we got the opportunity to buy her. We are very pleased with everything, good contact from the beginning and updates with pictures of Dona. They socialize the kittens very well. Dona was so brave from start in her new home. She also became best friend with our other cat at home just after a few days. We are really happy with her.
wpis nr: 87
z dnia: 04.04.2023
imię: Annika
Our cat Daisy is adorable, with lots of personality, very calm and confident in herself. When Daisy came to us, she had traveled by car from Poland to Sweden. We were worried she would be insecure when she arrived after the long journey. And yes, she was a bit tired when she came to us, but it all went very well, and it was clear to us that she had grown up in a loving home, as she was completely tame and wanted to be with us from day one. Daisy is a calm cat who is very curious. She quickly became best friend with our children and our dog. One of us in our family suffer from severe cat allergy. He can't be in the same room as other cats without having trouble breathing. But he tolerates Daisy without a problem. I can warmly recommend Artur who has been very kind and professional throughout the whole process. If you want to see how Daisy is playing with our dog, you can click on this link and scroll down to the video; https://www.smart-cat.net/sibiriskkatt
wpis nr: 86
z dnia: 02.04.2023
imię: Sharon Jacobson
Hi, I want to thank Artur and his family for doing above and beyond getting us our new Siberian cat, Dylan. I live in Israel, and we had to go through extended processes to get all the documents needed and flight arrangements. Without Artur dedication and hard work none of that could of happen. I highly recommend Artur. He is true cat lover and wonderful person. Sharon Jacobson
wpis nr: 85
z dnia: 05.03.2023
imię: Agnieszka
cd ... a stworzycie wspaniala przyjazn :) Maylandu nie nzawalabym hodowla tylko kocim domem przepelnionym miloscia,wrazliwoscia i z cudownym sercem do kotow :) Nie zawiode i z cala pewnoscia bede dalej pielegnowac ten wspanialy charakter ,ktory Panstwo wypracowali u Diego :) P.S. W czerwcu odwiedzam Maylandu ponownie :) Lece po brata dla Diego :)
wpis nr: 84
z dnia: 05.03.2023
imię: Agnieszka
Witam serdecznie :) Jestem szczesliwa posiadaczka kociaka z Maylandu :) Diego jest juz u Nas miesiac :) Mieszkamy na stałe w Norwegii ,wiec Diego przebył 2000 tys. km do swojego nowego domu. Od samego poczatku wiedzialam jak wspaniale uosobienie i charakter ma ta ruda kulka ,z ktora przemierzalam trase do Norwegii. Wiedzialam juz tez ,ze decyzja, by to byla akurat hodowla z Maylandu ,byla najlepsza jaka moglam podjac. Kociarze od razu zauwaza z jaka pasja i miloscia sa wychowywane kocieta w tej hodowli a osoby,ktore po raz pierwszy postanowili zostac rodzina kota przekonaja sie ,ze kot moze byc rowniez wspanialym przyjacielem. Szczerze to nie nazwalabym MAylandu hodowla a raczej kocim domem pelnym milosci , wrazliwosci , czulosci z jaka sa wychowywane koty. A tak zartobliwie to jak sie decydujesz na kociaka z MAylandu to dostajesz "gotowca",ze tak to nazwe :) Kociak nauczony jest milosci , przywiazany jest do czlowieka,ktoremu ufa bezgranicznie ,wystarczy tylko to pielegnowac a stwo

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